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Humor and Joy

Cascading letters
Form in to words
Each sentence fill
In paragraphs
I with a smile
Write voraciously
Relief overwhelms
As each letter is written
Thoughts roll
With each word
Faith guides
Each sentence
Laughter and joy
With every paragraph
Writing can releasing tensions! Sometimes, dwelling on writing negatively, can continue negative thoughts and only enhance tensions. When you begin to write positive expressions, it's like a snowball effect!
You can't stop! Page after page writing happily. Share these joys! Share the moments! Your writings could help and/or guide others to stay positive :)


Looks up at the author and smiles. I am glad that you found inspiration today and I am glad you continue to find inspiration everyday. I have one for you too look at based on this Poem and the "authors" comments that follow.

Another special message from a special lady... Thanks Rose :)


May 21, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

I love the positiveness of your poem!!
Christy :)

May 26, 2008 at 6:47 PM  

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